+++ Realtime Dolphin NEWS +++

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 Echtzeit Nachrichten NEWS Thema Delphinschutz

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RSS - Reader is an decentral Internet-Standard:

dt: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSS

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Venite Music Art Project (click to see video:)

Venite Music Art Project (click to see video:)

+++ ARTWORT-DECICATON +++ CLICK on the pictures below:

Vimeo / Violin for Dolphin

Violinsolo for the victims of the Cove (Japan) (Fr, 18 Dez 2015)
Violin solo by Renate Spitzner
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Red Cove 2015-09-20 (Violin & Organ) (Sun, 20 Sep 2015)
[START VIDEO]: https://vimeo.com/139833794 +++ Realtime Dolphin NEWS +++ http://venite-austria.jimdo.com/delphinschutz-dolphin-protection-news/ Violin & drawing:…
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Violinsolo 'For Rissos dolphin and his sisters and brothers' (Sun, 13 Sep 2015)
'For Rissos dolphin and his sisters and brothers' Violinsolo: Renate Spitzner (2015-09) ============================================ [CLICK HERE TO…
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PLEASE SIGN ONLINE-PETITION to Save the last 55 Maui dolphins:




Sea Shepherd AUSTRIA:


"Auf dieser Seite findet ihr die neuesten News, sowie Events in Österreich auf denen wir vertreten sind und ihr uns persönlich besuchen und kennenlernen könnt."




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New Website Operation Grindstop 2014


+++ Real-Time-News +++

Hector's and Maui's Dolphin SOS - Calista W - Help me save them!

Birthday Donations (Thu, 16 Jun 2016)
I turned 10! My friends donated money towards the Maui dolphins instead of presents. So with their help we donated another $154 to save the Maui dolphins in New Zealand. I love my friends! [...]
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Dear McDonald's: Stop carrying New Zealand fish (Thu, 26 May 2016)
Dear McDonald's,Did you know that Maui's Dolphins are dying because of trawling and gill nets used by New Zealand fisherman?  There are only about 45 Maui's Dolphins left. I have been spreading the word and fundraising since I was 7. I'm almost 10 years old. Can you please stop carrying New Zealand fish? We want you to stop because by using fish from New Zealand you are encouraging and supporting the New Zealand fishing industry and government. We need full protection for the dolphi [...]
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I raised another $500! (Tue, 17 May 2016)
With the help of Jane Goodall's Roots and Shoots grant, I was able to get tote bags, stickers, bookmarks, and tshirts. I also brought these with me to a presentation I did locally and raised a lot of money for the Maui dolphins! I donated $320 in cash that people have given me for the dolphins. Kiwanis of Bowling Green also gave me $100 check for NABU International, and so far, my tshirt sales have also raised $108! That is a total of $528 for the Maui dolphins!You can donate too! Cl [...]
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Education abroad is gaining in popularity due to its many career opportunities and educational benefits. It also gives you the chance to see the world. It is a unique combination of learning and traveling. One of the best aspects of studying abroad is the skills you gain because you can use them in your work … Continue reading "SKILLS YOU ACQUIRE TO STUDY ABROAD" The post SKILLS YOU ACQUIRE TO STUDY ABROAD appeared first on Vaquita.tv.
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Mastery of negotiation skills (Thu, 08 Apr 2021)
An important part of global volunteering is dealing with tact and diplomacy. Whether you volunteer or work abroad or resolve disputes on the job, it’s important. Once you develop the ability to discuss, negotiate and collaborate on all aspects of a project, you will succeed. You become a valuable asset and a member of the … Continue reading "Mastery of negotiation skills" The post Mastery of negotiation skills appeared first on Vaquita.tv.
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Venite Music Art Project (click to see video:)

Venite Music Art Project (click to see video:)

VGT-News: Neues vom Tierschutz in Österreich

Verschenke Tierliebe zum Valentinstag (Tue, 11 Feb 2025)
Mach deinen Valentinstag zum ValenTIERstag und verschenke eine VGT-Tierschutzspende an deine Liebsten!
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Absage: VGT-Aktion morgen beim Parlament zu Kickl findet nicht statt (Wed, 12 Feb 2025)
Der VGT zeigt sich erleichtert, dass ein „Volkskanzler“ Kickl, der gegen das Volk regiert hätte, im Sinne des Tierschutzes verhindert werden konnte!
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Venite Music Art Project (click to see video:)

Venite Music Art Project (click to see video:)

Venite Music Art Project (click to see video:)

Vimeo / Dolphin Project’s videos

A Tale of Two Risso's (Fri, 17 Nov 2023)
A film by Cynthia Fernandez. Educational resources to accompany this film are available for free at: https://www.dolphinproject.com/resources/study-guides/
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Rescued Dolphins Johnny, Rocky and Rambo- Free at Last! (Tue, 06 Sep 2022)
Johnny, Rocky and Rambo's first moments heading towards the open sea, and a look at their journey up to this point. Read more at: https://www.dolphinproject.com/blog/free-at-last/ While…
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Revolutionary Dental Care for Rescued Dolphin Johnny (Tue, 19 Jul 2022)
This is "Revolutionary Dental Care for Rescued Dolphin Johnny" by Dolphin Project on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.
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Dolphin attacks trainer Miami Seaquarium 4-9-22.MP4 (Tue, 12 Apr 2022)
This is "Dolphin attacks trainer Miami Seaquarium 4-9-22.MP4" by Dolphin Project on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.
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Dolphin Warrior (Wed, 17 Mar 2021)
Dolphin Project's new Indonesian digital ad campaign.
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